Working From Home - Part 2: Coronavirus and Cyber Security Threats

In the last article in this series, we looked at the collaboration tools available today which aid in us working more efficiently when working remotely. Maintaining the security of your IT systems and data does not need to depend upon where users are working from. Whether working from home or from the office, layers of security should be in place to protect the organisation from attack. Secure home working can be achieved in a number of ways and very much depends on the organisation’s existing infrastructure and requirements.

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Working From Home - Part 1: Coronavirus and Business Continuity

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken the world by storm fundamentally changing the way we think about work and everyday life in general. Our first thoughts are about protecting our loved ones, the communities we live in, our co-workers and ourselves. The health agencies in both the UK and US are focusing on limiting the spread of COVID-19 and have given the advice that we should work at home where possible. Many of our clients have already enacted their business continuity plan (BCP), a set of procedures set out in advance of a situation where they cannot work from their normal place of work or do not have access to all of their infrastructure.

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